(206) 659-2103
Seattle, Washington
All About Sports MouthGuards!
April is when experts and specialists remind us to be cognizant of protecting our face, which, when playing sports, means wearing a sports mouthguard.
Experts from the five dental associations are urging parents, caregivers, athletes, and coaches to be proactive about staying safe by using a mouth guard.
We're talking American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), American Dental Association (ADA), Academy for Sports Dentistry (ASD), and American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) - See more at: Orthodontic Products Online
Use those Sports and Academy Specialists' ^^ reminder to research the different types of mouth guards that are available because regardless of whether or not your youth athletes league requires it or not, if there is a chance the sport your child is playing can cause damage to his/her mouth/teeth/jaw, he/she should be wearing a sports mouthguard. According to a 2015 News Release by the ADA:
An estimated 12 million people between the ages of 5 and 22 years suffer a sport-related injury annually, which leads to 20 million lost days of school2 and approximately $33 billion in healthcare costs.3 Yet, some of these injuries could be prevented with protective gear. “A properly fitted mouth guard is an essential piece of any athlete's protective equipment,” says Dr. Paul Nativi, DMD, FASD, and past president of the Academy for Sports Dentistry. “Talk with your dentist about what kinds of activities your family enjoys and ask about ways to make sure their teeth and face stay protected.”

Accidents can happen anywhere, however a study published recently by the University of Alabama at Birmingham analyzed data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), a database of injuries treated at hospital emergency departments, for the period 2001-2008.
Researchers found the five most common causes of childhood injuries were, in order of frequency, basketball, football, bicycling, playgrounds and soccer.
Basketball results in more injuries!
OK, but aren't mouth guards only necessary for football players?

And Trace Ortho Makes Sports Mouth Guards?
Trace Ortho Lab doesn't just make sports mouth guards. As owner of a full service dental and orthodontic lab with 20+ years as a dental technician and later orthodontic assistant, Tracie was accutely aware of the inadequacies of the available sports mouthguard options on the market while raising her three boys, all of whom played contact sports in high school. Consequently, Tracie spent several years researching sports mouthguard material and development techniques; and in 2011, developed her own quality sports mouthguard using PolyShok Technology.
Wait, What's PolyShok Technology?
PolyShok is a proprietary blend of plastic with the unique properties of being able to form to the mouth at low temperatures, and was developed specifically for use in sports mouthguards.
The result of this process is a soft, comfortable mouthguard that absorbs more destructive force than other athletic mouthguards by transmitting less force to the teeth, jaw and brain.
PolyShoK™ has been A.S.T.M. (American Standards in Testing and Measurements) tested to be over 150% more shock absorbent than leading traditional mouthguard (Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) materials. These results are reproducible in any A.S.T.M. certified lab in the country.
Which Means...
Because of PolyShok Technology, a Trace Ortho MouthGuard will absorb 85% of the concussive energy that would normally travel to your brain!
That's a lot of Energy!
Want to Know the Best Part?
You can order a custom, professionally made quality sports mouthguard directly from our Lab! While we are more than happy to work with your Dentist directly, with our At Home Impression Kit, you don't even have to be in Seattle to order a Trace Ortho MouthGuard!
Conversely, if you prefer to order through your Dentist, please put them in touch with us directly at 206.659.2103 or via e-mail at traceortholab@gmail.com.
If you are in Seattle, and would like us to take your impression for a Trace Ortho MouthGuard, we are more than happy to accomodate you. Simply call 206.659.2103 (between noon and five preferably) or e-mail anytime traceortholab@gmail.com.
Otherwise, watch our At Home Impression Kit Video and order yours today!